U.S. Supports Repression in Uzbekistan admin, May 27, 2005 U.S. Supports Repression in Uzbekistan (PDF) Continue Reading
Arms Transfers to Pakistan Undermine U.S. Foreign Policy Goals admin, May 20, 2005 NCR / Arms Transfers to Pakistan Undermine U.S. Foreign Policy Goals (PDF) Continue Reading
Arms transfers to Pakistan undermine U.S. foreign policy goals admin, May 20, 2005 The Bush administration’s decision to sell sophisticated F-16 fighter jets to Pakistan raises questions regarding the administration’s stated commitment to promote democracy, support nonproliferation and fight terrorism and Islamic extremism. Continue Reading
The U.S. Role in the Breakdown of the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process admin, May 1, 2005 In the time since the collapse of the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks at Camp David in the summer of 2000 and the subsequent Palestinian uprising, details have emerged that challenge the Clinton administration’s insistence—reiterated by leaders of both the Democratic and Republican parties as well as by much of the mainstream media—that the Palestinians were responsible for the failure to reach a peace agreement and for much of the violence that has engulfed Israel and Palestine since then. Continue Reading