Democrats’ skepticism of Feinstein well-founded admin, April 27, 2018May 22, 2024 The stunning rejection of Dianne Feinstein’s expected endorsement for another term as California’s senior U.S. Senator the Democratic State Convention in February was based not just upon concerns about her age and her centrist domestic agenda, but over her ability to challenge Trump’s dangerous foreign policy agenda. [This item’s no… Continue Reading
History Shows Hypocrisy of US Outrage Over Chemical Weapons in Syria admin, April 24, 2018August 14, 2024 Truthout April 24, 2018: There are serious legal and strategic concerns regarding the decision by the U.S., along with France and Great Britain, to bomb Syria in response to its alleged use of chemical weapons in Douma… Continue Reading
Civil Resistance Against Coups: A Comparative and Historical Perspective admin, April 24, 2018August 14, 2024 International Center on Nonviolent Conflict 2017: This monograph presents in-depth case studies and analysis intended to improve our understanding of the strategic utility of civil resistance against military takeovers; the nature of civil resistance mobilization against coups; and the role of civil resistance against coups. Continue Reading
News on Syria? Why Are Left Activists Falling For Fake News On Syria? admin, April 18, 2018August 14, 2024 ‘ On Rising Up with Sonali April 18, 2018: After President Donald Trump declared “Mission Accomplished” in Syria in the wake of US air strikes last week, the question about the veracity of reports on the chemical attack in Douma has taken on a new urgency. Inspectors with the Organization… Continue Reading
Interview: Stephen Zunes Explains AAR panel cancellation & Trump’s Recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital admin, April 17, 2018September 1, 2024 Global Journal of Peace Research and PraxisVolume 2, Number 1 (Spring 2018)Dr. Stephen Zunes discussed his views on the abrupt cancellation of a panel he was scheduled to participate in at the 2017 American Academy of Religion’s annual conference. President Trump’s recent decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital has… Continue Reading
Why the United States Can’t Lead on Syria’s Chemical Weapons Atrocities admin, April 11, 2018August 14, 2024 The Progressive April 11, 2018: The repeated use of these horrific and illegal weapons by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s repressive regime deserves a strong international response. Unfortunately, given its history of politicizing the issue, the U.S. is in no position to lead… Continue Reading
Remembering Martin Luther King, the Radical for Peace admin, April 3, 2018August 14, 2024 The Progressive April 3, 2018: King challenged the draining of our national resources for the military, opposed the Vietnam War and other aspects of U.S. foreign policy and questioned an economic system that created enormous poverty amid great wealth. He was assassinated while organizing the Poor People’s March… Continue Reading