Reaction to ICC Indictment Reveals US Bipartisan Contempt for International Law admin, December 8, 2024December 8, 2024 The Progressive, December 5, 2024 by Stephen Zunes:Examines Washington’s hysterical and dishonest reaction to the International Criminal Court’s indictments of two Israeli leaders for war crimes [Source] Continue Reading
Lectures & 11 Interviews Nov. 2024 on Trump’s Election & the Middle East admin, December 7, 2024December 12, 2024 First view Dr. Zunes’ 5-minute animated summary of his research on coup resistance; then his Lecture at the University of San Francisco on how to prepare for the aftermath of the election in the event of an attempted coup or legitimate victory by Trump. Lecture before the Unitarian Universalists of… Continue Reading
Will Biden Cost Harris the Election? admin, October 13, 2024October 13, 2024 News Lines Magazine October 8, 2024[Dr. Zunes urges readers to please circulate this important article widely, particularly to those in swing states who are reluctant to vote for Harris because of the Biden administration’s Middle East policy.] A detailed analysis of how Kamala Harris is seriously constrained by her role… Continue Reading
Biden and Other Democrats Helped Colin Powell Spread George W. Bush’s Iraq Lies admin, October 19, 2021March 16, 2024 While the death of former Secretary of State and retired Gen. Colin Powell has elicited praise-filled eulogies in the mainstream media and officials in Washington, many Americans still carry bitter feelings over Powell’s support for the illegal, unnecessary and predictably disastrous war in Iraq. In particular, critics cite his February… Continue Reading
INTERVIEW: Biden’s Sponsorship of the Invasion of Iraq admin, March 12, 2020August 14, 2024 Skip to Minute 29:30 for interview Stephen Zunes talks about Joe Biden’s shameful history helping to advocate for the invasion of Iraq in 2002 and 2003. Continue Reading
Worth the Price? Joe Biden and the Launch of the Iraq War admin, February 21, 2020August 14, 2024 A 19-Minute documentary featuring a contribution by Dr. Stephen Zunes. Continue Reading
Biden’s Support of Iraq War Shows How He Would Run the White House admin, November 12, 2019August 14, 2024 Supporters of presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden are probably hoping that Democratic voters will see his key role in pushing through the Iraq War authorization as simply a “mistake” which should not be a factor in the 2020 presidential race. Indeed, Biden now claims that, “From the moment [the invasion] started … I was opposed to the effort, and I was outspoken as much as anyone at all in the Congress” despite his statements at the time and subsequently that he supported Bush’s decision to invade even after inspectors returned and no “weapons of mass destruction” were found. Not only was Biden one of the most important Democratic supporters of the Iraq War, but that support says much about the kind of president he would be. Continue Reading
Biden Has Defended US Allies’ Use of Lethal Force Against Civilians admin, November 4, 2019August 14, 2024 On an October evening in 2002, while quietly embroidering on the porch of her home in Nablus in the West Bank, 60-year-old Shaden Abu Hijleh was shot and killed by Israeli occupation forces. A grandmother and community activist involved in promoting the arts, women’s and children’s advocacy, serving the needy and nonviolent resistance to the occupation, she had no links to any violent or extremist organizations. No protests or other violent disturbances were taking place nearby, and her killing is widely believed to have been a targeted assassination. Continue Reading
Iraq: Remembering Those Responsible admin, January 1, 2012August 16, 2024 The formal withdrawal of US troops from Iraq this month has led to a whole series of retrospectives on the invasion and the eight and a half years of occupation that followed as well as a host of unanswered questions, including – given the tens of thousands of Americans and others on the US government payroll, many of whom are armed, who are remaining in Iraq – just how total the withdrawal might actually be. Continue Reading
Iraq: The Democrats’ War admin, September 10, 2010September 14, 2024 The ongoing presence of over 50,000 US troops, many thousands of civilian employees and tens of thousands of US-backed mercenaries raises serious questions over the significance of the partial withdrawal of US forces from Iraq. The August 31 deadline marking the “end of US combat operations in Iraq” is not as real or significant a milestone as President Obama implied in his speech. Indeed, hearing for the umpteenth time that the US has “turned a corner” in Iraq, it makes one think that the country must be some kind of dodecahedron. Continue Reading
Biden’s Hawkish Record admin, June 12, 2009February 2, 2025 When Barack Obama picked Joe Biden as his running mate, he drew sharp criticism from his anti-war base because of Biden’s support for the U.S. invasion of Iraq, his flagrantly false claims about the alleged Iraqi threat, and the abuse of his position as chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to suppress antiwar testimony before Congress prior to the invasion…. Continue Reading
What the Prospective VPs Got Wrong admin, October 3, 2008 The October 3 debate between Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and Delaware Senator Joe Biden was disturbing for those of us hoping for a more enlightened and honest foreign policy during the next four years. In its aftermath, pundits mainly focused on Palin’s failure to self-destruct and Biden’s relatively cogent arguments. Here’s an annotation of the foreign policy issues raised during the vice-presidential debate, which was packed with demonstrably false and misleading statements…. Continue Reading
The VP Debate: Dishonest Foreign Policies admin, October 3, 2008 The October 3 debate between Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and Delaware Senator Joe Biden was disturbing for those of us hoping for a more enlightened and honest foreign policy during the next four years. In its aftermath, pundits mainly focused on Palin’s failure to self-destruct and Biden’s relatively cogent arguments. Here’s an annotation of the foreign policy issues raised during the vice-presidential debate, which was packed with demonstrably false and misleading statements…. Continue Reading
Biden’s Foreign Policy ‘Experience’ admin, September 23, 2008 Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama’s choice of Joseph Biden as his running mate has drawn sharp criticism from many Democrats as a result of the Delaware senator’s support for the U.S. invasion of Iraq, his flagrantly false claims about the alleged Iraqi threat, and the abuse of his position as chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to suppress antiwar testimony before Congress prior to the invasion. Continue Reading
Video interview: Biden and the anti-war constituency admin, August 27, 2008 The Real News Stephen Zunes: Obama’s anti-Iraq war stance wiped out by choosing hawk Biden Continue Reading
Biden, Iraq, and Obama’s Betrayal admin, August 24, 2008 Incipient Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama’s selection of Joseph Biden as his running mate constitutes a stunning betrayal of the anti-war constituency who made possible his hard-fought victory in the Democratic primaries and caucuses. Continue Reading
Biden, Iraq, and Obama’s Betrayal admin, August 24, 2008July 16, 2024 Incipient Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama’s selection of Joseph Biden as his running mate constitutes a stunning betrayal of the anti-war constituency who made possible his hard-fought victory in the Democratic primaries and caucuses. Continue Reading