Rep. Jimmy Panetta’s rejection of the rule of law Stephen Zunes, February 5, 2025February 5, 2025 Santa Cruz Sentinel: Guest Commentary, January 2025: Addresses a bill to punish those associated with the International Criminal Court for investigating war criminals allied with the United States, for which all 205 Republicans and 42 Democrats voted in favor, including Zunes’s Congressperson Jimmy Panetta (D-CA-19). [source] Continue Reading
Letter: Panetta opposes halting weapons to Israel admin, May 26, 2024August 13, 2024 Santa Cruz Sentinel Letter to the Editor May 20, 2024: Once again, our Congressperson Jimmy Panetta is out of step with his constituents…. Continue Reading
Liberal UCSC alumni may pay price for donations admin, September 30, 2017August 14, 2024 Santa Cruz Sentinel September 29, 2017 It seems that UC Santa Cruz now reserves the right to bring in ultra-conservative speakers as a condition of accepting in-kind donations from those with left-of-center views. Continue Reading
Panetta’s first foreign policy vote sides with Trump admin, January 13, 2017August 14, 2024 Monterrey Herald January 13, 2017 Continue Reading
Reasons to oppose the proposed state anti-boycott bill admin, June 3, 2016August 14, 2024 The California State Assembly is considering a bill entitled the “Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions of Recognized Sovereign Nations or Peoples Act” (AB 2844) that could lead to penalizing California businesses that boycott any country or any products from a particular country — even if the product is being made in a colony or occupied territory or if it is made under illegal, inhumane or environmentally deleterious conditions. It would also deny state or local government contracts to sole propietorships who participate in such boycotts. Continue Reading
Chancellor’s opposition to student resolution problematic admin, December 4, 2015August 14, 2024 UC Santa Cruz Chancellor George Blumenthal, in an all-campus mailing sent out Nov. 19, expressed his opposition to a recently passed resolution by the Student Union Assembly in a manner which has raised serious concerns among supporters of corporate responsibility and academic freedom. It is virtually unprecedented for a chancellor or other high-level administration to criticize student representatives for participating in a democratic process of debate and decision making, even on contentious issues… Continue Reading
US support for Saudis belies claims of supporting democracy admin, February 20, 2015August 15, 2024 Santa Cruz Sentinel February 20, 2015 One of the greatest myths is that the U.S. government supports democracy. In reality, under both Republican and Democratic administrations, the U.S. remains the world’s No. 1 military, financial, and diplomatic supporter of authoritarian regimes and occupying armies. Continue Reading
Opposition to Israeli occupation consistent with other human rights struggles admin, February 6, 2015June 20, 2024 Santa Cruz Sentinel February 6, 2015 In my late teens, I was active in the movement opposing South Africa’s illegal occupation of Namibia, calling for boycotts and divestment of companies supporting the occupation and sanctions against the occupying power. I was involved in similar efforts during the 1990s against the… Continue Reading
How the state Assembly tries to limit what I can teach admin, January 25, 2014August 15, 2024 In preparing my syllabus for my introductory course on the Middle East this semester, it gives me pause that the California Assembly is still on record declaring that discussing certain well-documented historic incidents in modern Middle Eastern history should “not be tolerated in the classroom.” This unprecedented attack on academic freedom came in the form of a resolution (HR 35), co-sponsored by 66 of the 88 Assembly members, which passed by a voice vote in 2012. Continue Reading
U.S. shares responsibility for plight of Arab Christians admin, December 28, 2013June 21, 2024 It was the second week in January of 1991. I was in the sanctuary of a large Catholic Church in Baghdad. Every votive candle in the place was lit, no doubt in support of prayers for loved ones in anticipation of the massive U.S. bombing campaign, which was to be known as Operation Desert Storm, which was soon to commence. Continue Reading