Israel’s War on Gaza: 11 Zunes’ articles published Oct. 7-Dec. 31, 2023 admin, March 5, 2024August 8, 2024 Continue Reading
Nonviolent Activists Laid the Groundwork to Oppose a Coup. They May Have Saved the Republic admin, January 20, 2021January 21, 2025 Activists prepared for months, expecting Trump to steal the election. They were right, and he failed. Since President-elect Joe Biden’s decisive win in November, there has been understandable consternation at the efforts by President Trump and his supporters to steal the election. It is also important to understand why, so far, and despite the recent violence in Washington, his attempts have been unsuccessful. Continue Reading
Why These Missile Strikes Won’t Make Things Better for the Syrian People admin, April 7, 2017August 14, 2024 YES! Magazine, Common Dreams & Huffington Post April 7, 2017 The U.S. bombing of Syria’s Al Shayrat air base has brought more death and destruction to that country and is unlikely to deter additional war crimes by the Syrian regime. It will not ease the suffering of the Syrian people…. Continue Reading
Can U.S. Citizens End Israel’s Legal Impunity? admin, November 20, 2012August 15, 2024 The great wish of the early Zionist leader Theodor Herzl was that Israel would be treated like “any other state.” Were that the case, there might be more rational and productive discourse regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which is particularly critical in light of Israel launching yet another devastating attack against civilian-populated areas of nearby Arab lands. Continue Reading
Lessons and Signs of Hope Amidst the Carnage in Libya admin, February 25, 2011September 12, 2024 The civil insurrection in Libya has been far more violent, and forces loyal to the dictator far more violent still, than the recent successful unarmed revolutions against the dictatorships in neighboring Tunisia and Egypt. Still, there are signs of hope and important lessons to be learned in the ongoing struggle against the 42-year regime of Muammar Gaddafi, whose days appear to be numbered. Continue Reading
Egypt: Lessons in Democracy admin, February 1, 2011September 12, 2024 Together, the unarmed insurrection that overthrew the Ben Ali regime in Tunisia and the ongoing uprising in Egypt have dramatically altered the way many in the West view prospects for democratization in the Middle East. The dramatic events of recent weeks have illustrated that for democracy to come to the Arab world, it will come not from foreign intervention or sanctimonious statements from Washington, but from Arab peoples themselves. Continue Reading
Weapons of Mass Democracy admin, September 16, 2009February 1, 2025 On the outskirts of a desert town in the Moroccan-occupied territory of Western Sahara, about a dozen young activists are gathered. They are involved in their country’s long struggle for freedom. A group of foreigners—veterans of protracted resistance movements—is conducting a training session in the optimal use of a “weapons system” that is increasingly deployed in struggles for freedom around the world. The workshop leaders pass out Arabic translations of writings on the theory and dynamics of revolutionary struggle and lead the participants in a series of exercises designed to enhance their strategic and tactical thinking. These trainers are not veterans of guerrilla warfare, however, but of unarmed insurrections against repressive regimes. The materials they hand out are not the words of Che Guevara, but of Gene Sharp, the former Harvard scholar who has pioneered the study of strategic nonviolent action…. Continue Reading