Pro-Democracy Uprising Fails to Keep Washington From Backing Tunisian Dictatorship admin, January 13, 2011January 25, 2025 Foreign Policy in Focus/Institute for Policy Studies January 13, 2011 The regime U.S.-backed Tunisian dictator Zine el Abidine Ben Ali has been the target of a nationwide popular uprising in recent weeks, which neither shooting into crowds of unarmed demonstrators nor promised reforms has thus far quelled. Whether this unarmed revolt results in the regime’s downfall remains to be seen. In recent decades, largely nonviolent insurrections such as this have toppled corrupt authoritarian rulers in the Philippines, Serbia, Bolivia, Ukraine, the Maldives, Georgia, Mali, Nepal and scores of other countries and have seriously challenged repressive regimes in Iran, Burma and elsewhere.. [source] Arab Spring 2011 FPIF Analysis Tunisia