Talking Points on Recent Concerns Raised by Bush Administration Officials Regarding Syria admin, April 14, 2003January 9, 2025 Foreign Policy in Focus/Institute for Policy Studies, April 14, 2003 By John Gershman, Stephen Zunes Recent statements by top Bush administration officials have accused the Syrian government of aiding senior Iraqi officials to escape, possessing chemical weapons, and committing “hostile acts” against the U.S. by allegedly supplying military equipment, such as night-vision goggles, to the Iraqis. On April 10th, Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz told Congress, “The Syrians are behaving badly. They need to be reminded of that, and if they continue, then we need to think about what our policy is with respect to a country that harbors terrorists or harbors war criminals, or was in recent times shipping things to Iraq.” People should keep in mind the following points in response to administration claims… [Source] FPIF Analysis George W Bush administration Syria