U.S. Support for Israel Mirrors 80s Support for El Salvador Junta admin, June 3, 2010January 29, 2025 Foreign Policy In Focus/Institute for Policy Studies June 3, 2010; also Huffington Post & ZNetwork It’s like the 1980s all over again. During that decade, the Reagan administration – with the support of Congress – sent billions of dollars worth of unconditional military and other support to the right wing-junta in El Salvador, just as the Obama administration is today with the right-wing government in Israel. When Salvadoran forces massacred 700 civilians in El Mozote, Congressional leaders defended the killings, saying that the U.S-backed operation was “fighting terrorists.” Similarly, when Israel massacred over 700 civilians in the Gaza Strip early last year, Congressional leaders defended the killings for the same reason. [source] Foreign Policy in Focus Gaza Israel and Palestine Israel-Palestinian conflict Latin America/Caribbean El Mozte massacre