Bipartisan Attack on International Humanitarian Law admin, November 4, 2009February 1, 2025 Foreign Policy In Focus/Institute for Policy Studies, November 4, 2009 & Alternet In a stunning blow against international law and human rights, the U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved a resolution Tuesday attacking the report of the UN Human Rights Council’s fact-finding mission on the Gaza conflict. The report was authored by the well-respected South African jurist Richard Goldstone and three other noted authorities on international humanitarian law, who had been widely praised for taking leadership in previous investigations of war crimes in Rwanda, Darfur, the former Yugoslavia, and elsewhere. Since this report documented apparent war crimes by a key U.S. ally, however, Congress has taken the unprecedented action of passing a resolution condemning it…[source] Alternet Foreign Policy in Focus International Law Israel and Palestine Israel-Palestinian conflict United Nations