Syria Background: Zunes’ Articles, Interviews & Videos Since 2011 Arab Spring admin, December 12, 2024January 6, 2025 From Gaza to Aleppo: A Handy Guide for Defending War Crimes: This article notes the remarkable parallel in the language used by those defending war crimes by the Assad regime and war crimes by Israel Here’s an analysis also from 2016 regarding the state of the conflict and U.S. policy: Syria After the Ceasefire This article from 2019 examines the Trump administration’s recognition of Israel’s illegal annexation of Syria’s Golan Heights (a decision upheld by the Biden administration) in defiance of the United Nations Security Council declaring it “null and void”: U.S. Recognition of Golan Annexation a Threat to World Order These two critically examine the ongoing U.S. military presence in Syria: Despite Everything US Troops Should Leave Syria (2019) & If Biden Wants to Protect the Troops He Should Bring Them Home, Not Bomb Syria (2021) These four articles from 2017-2018 examine the U.S. response to Syrian chemical weapons attacks: History Shows Hypocrisy of U.S. Outrage over Chemical Weapons in Syria Why the United States Can’t Lead on Syria’s Chemical Weapons Trump’s Dangerous and Cynical Attack on Syria Why These Missile Strikes Won’t Make Things Better for the Syrian People These links examine divisions over Syria within the U.S. left and what a progressive policy would entail: How Syria Divides the Left (2017 written interview) The Anti-War Movement Must Listen to Voices Within Syria’s Civil War (2016 op-ed article) Why are Some Left Activists Falling for Fake News on Syria (television interview) These articles from 2012-15 look at the debates regarding U.S. military intervention in Syria: Obama’s Escalation in Syria (2015) Eight Arguments Against Going to War with Syria (2013) Despite Horrific Repression, the US Should Stay Out of Syria (2013) Military Intervention in Syria is a Bad Idea (2012) And these two articles are my response to a series of articles attacking me for my opposition to U.S. military intervention in Syria: Opposition to Intervention in Syria is Utilitarian not Ideological (2013) On Syria Most Thoughtful People are Torn (2013) On nonviolent alternatives in Syria during the early phases of the uprising: Supporting Nonviolence in Syria (2012) Unarmed Resistance Still Syria’s Best Hope (2012) More on U.S. double-standards regarding Syria: U.S. Outrage over Syria Veto at UN Rife with Hypocrisy (2012) U.S. in No Position to Condemn Russian Transfer of Helicopter Gunships to Syrian Regime (2012) On an earlier Israeli attack on Syria and the U.S. role in blocking Israeli-Syrian peace initiatives:Israel, Syria, and the United States (2013) AND FIND ALL DR. ZUNES’ CONTENT ABOUT SYRIA HERE Al Jazeera Arab Spring 2011 Audio Interviews Iran Israel-Palestinian conflict KPFA Pacifica Radio Protest and Resistance Radio Islam Russia Syria Television The Progressive Truthout US Middle East Policy Video War on Terror